
Are you a student in the Linguistics Program at CUNY Graduate Center?

If so, we need your help to get the newly created Linguistics Program Student Association up and running! Here’s what you can do to get involved:

  1. Check out our Statement of Objectives, Members and Meetings, and Responsibilities sections, below.
  2. Send your suggestions for what you think we should include on the website and/or in our physical space in the Linguistics Lounge.
  3. Join one of the speaker series and/or student run activities listed below.
  4. Get elected to one or more of the Linguistics Program Standing Committees listed below.

Have questions? Send them to us via the Suggestion Box!


Statement of Objectives:

The Linguistics Program Student Association seeks to promote student involvement, integration, and welfare in the program. The Linguistics Program SA works toward this end through the organization of events and the coordination of student run activities and by supporting communication between the student body, its elected representatives to the Linguistics Program standing committees, and program faculty and staff.

Members and Meetings:

The Student Association is run by two students who are elected by popular vote during the annual election for student representatives to the Linguistics Program standing committees. The two elected members  coordinate SA activities and communications in addition to organizing SA meetings (at least once per semester) to discuss student engagement and issues with the representatives from student run speaker series and activities, as well as a student members of each standing committee, including but not limited to:

  • Colloquium
  • Sociolinguistics Lunch
  • NLP talk series
  • Executive Committee
  • Faculty Membership Committee
  • Curriculum and Examinations Committee
  • Elections Committee
  • SYNC Conference
  • Doctoral Student Council Representative
  • Graduate Council Representative

The Student Association also runs one full student (town hall style) meeting per semester so all students can steer the actions of the SA and be briefed on the changes to the department.


The Student Association devises ways to foster student inclusion and organization through the creation of new events and/or the organization of already existing events, its tasks include:

  • Organizing activities for first year students at orientation.
  • Planning and organizing the new students’ welcome activities as well as the student mentors.
  • Fostering student engagement by recruiting first year students for student run activities.
  • Coordinating the existing speaker series and reading groups to effectively utilize available resources so that there are no overlaps as to maximize attendance and involvement.
  • Maintaining a repository of institutional knowledge.
  • Managing the dissemination of information about said events through a dedicated webpage, online calendar and a message board/physical calendar.
  • Assisting in the organization of departmental parties.
  • Voting on allocation of DSC funds and drawing up a budget for spending those funds.
  • Facilitating alumni engagement.